Story Archive

The Wish game changes your thinking and perspective. You start by putting in your wish...

Trip Book has been in the app store for three years and is ranked as a top travel app...

Wocket Wallet - Digital Smart Wallet

The Wocket Smart Wallet lets you input all your cards into one digital device...

Taffybounce! - Help the Candy Prince

Taffybounce! is an exciting game where you help the candy prince and his friends cross an...

Reading Jets A to Z is great for kids age 3 to 7, but works for pretty much any age...

PQChat is the world's first post-quantum messenger, using "never the same" technology...

LoopDating is a very simple and easy-to-use online dating option that rewards users' site activity...

Dumbbell2 has a patented center weight with one handle one each side...

iPhone 6 Revealed - NewsWatch Interview

Jon Rettinger of TechnoBuffalo reveals features and functionalities...



NewsWatch is your trusted source for breaking consumer, technology, travel, health, and entertainment news. We air on the Discovery Channel and ION Network.


The show is hosted by Andrew Tropeano and features reports by Susan Bridges, Joe Toohey, Amanda Forstrom, Mallory Sofastaii, and Scott Steinberg on technology news.


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